Friday, September 9, 2011



Sebagai Pelaku dunia Konstruksi, kita Masyarakat teknik sipil yang berprofesi sebagai Perencana, pengawas ataupun Pelaksana dalam melaksanakan tugas kita akan selalu  berpedoman pada Peraturan / Kode yang telah ditetapkan oleh instansi yang membawahi jenis kontruksi tersebut. Peraturan - peraturan ini Ibaratnya Kitab Suci bagi Orang Teknik Sipil sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya tidak boleh dilanggar, kalau dilanggar berarti "Berdosa"..hehehehehe. 

Meskipun Peraturan-peraturan ini sangat penting untuk digunakan sebagai pegangan, namun dalam kenyataannya kita kadang sulit untuk bisa memiliki peraturan-peraturan ini.

Berhubung dilaptop saya banyak sekali koleksi peraturan-peraturan Teknik Sipil, Jurnal Teknik Sipil hasil Penelitian yang karena saking banyaknya ada yang belum pernah saya baca. Dari pada file-file ini "membusuk" dalam hard disk saya, lebih baik saya membagikannya bagi yang membutuhkan. Dan Anda yang sedang membaca tulisan ini termasuk orang yang beruntung  karena saya membagikannya secara "GRATISS" (sebenarnya tidak gratis juga sih, karena anda harus bayar biaya akses internet).....hehehehehe.

Silahkan intip Link dibawah ini, Kalau masuk dihati monggo di download :)

  2. RSNI 2005 : Pembebanan Untuk Jembatan
  3. Pedoman Teknik 2146 : Topografi Untuk Pekerjaan Jalan & Jembatan - Vol 1
  4. Pedoman Teknik 2146 : Topografi Untuk Pekerjaan Jalan & Jembatan - Vol 2
  5. Pedoman Teknik 2146 : Topografi Untuk Pekerjaan Jalan & Jembatan - Vol 3
  6. Pedoman Teknik 2146 : Topografi Untuk Pekerjaan Jalan & Jembatan - Vol 4
  7. Standar Jembatan Binamarga  : Standar 6133
B. KATEGORI STRUKTUR BETON (Sedang menunggu diupload)


D. KATEGORI GEOTEKNIK (Sedang menunggu diupload)

E. KATEGORI SURVEY DAN PEMETAAN (Sedang menunggu diupload)

F. KATEGORI HASIL PENELITIAN (Sedang menunggu diupload)

G. KATEGORI AMERICAN CODE (Sedang menunggu diupload)

Untuk Kategori-kategori yang belum ada linknya, mohon bersabar yah,,,,,filenya udah siap diupload tapi masih antri...hehehehe. Maklum, Koneksi internetnya lelet.... Tunggu aja versi Update dari Halaman ini. Kalau Anda senang dengan blog ini, subscribe aja blog ini agar setiap postingan baru ataupun update tulisan, anda langsung dikabari lewat email..

Sedikit tambahan :

Demi mengembangkan blog ini lebih baik kedepannya , saya sangat mengharapkan feed back dari teman-teman pengunjung dan pembaca . 
Mohon ditinggalkan komen, saran ataupun reguest pada bagian bawah tulisan ini yah...Trims :)

       Best Regards
Benyamin Ndu Ufi

Tutorial Autocad Civil 3D : Cara Mengimport Data Titik Hasil Survey

Cara Mengimport Data Titik Hasil Survey
Kedalam Autocad Civil 3D

Tutorial ini akan membahas bagaimana bekerja dengan titik-titk koordinat Geometri  (Coordinate Geometry – COGO), yang mana merupakan dasar untuk dapat memodelkan Permukaan Tanah. Dalam Tutorial ini saya akan menunjukan bagaimana cara mengimport  data survey kedalam gambar dari database yang telah dibuat sebelumnya dan bagaimana meengelompokan sejumlah data titik kedalam grupnya masing-masing.
Sebelum kita mengelompokan data-data tersebut ada baiknya kita membuat struktur kerja gambar kita agar titik - titik yang terbentuk akan tersusun dalam grup yang mudah dipahami dengan style yang tepat dan segala atributnya. 

   A. Membuat Data Titik (Point Data)
Pada langkah ini kita akan belajar bagaimana mengatur titik-titik yang berhubungan dengan saluran drainase dan kolam penahan. Kita akan membuat keterangan (description keys) dan kelompok titik (groups point) untuk mengelompokan titik-titik seperti yang telah diimport kedalam gambar, kemudian kita akan mengimport titik-titk tersebut dari file yang telah dibuat sebelumnya.
Keterangan (description keys) akan membantu kita mengautomatisasi banyak titik yang dapat dikerjakan pada saat titik titik tersebut dibuat ataupun diimport. Sebuah keterangan titik (description keys) merupakan sebuah keterangan tanpa ekstensi dari sebuah titik yang nantinya akan menentukan bagaimana titik tersebut akan diproses nantinya. Sebagai contoh : kita dapat membuat sebuah description keys untuk menerapkan style yang berbeda atau menempatkan titik-titik pada layer yang berbeda dalam gambar.
Kita juga dapat mengelompokkan sejumlah titik kedalam beberapa grup berdasarkan tipe titik, elevasi, tanggal pembuatan atau kriteria yang lain, sehingga kita dapat dengan bebas menjalankan berbagai perintah ataupun  mengeksplorasi tampilan titik tersebut terhadap sebuah grup titik.

Data titik dapat diimport dari file text (*.txt) atau dari Microsoft Access database (*.mdb). Data titik yang dibuat dengan Land desktop juga bisa ditransfer kedalam Civil 3D dengan cara mengimportnya langsung dari database project tersebut. 

Demikian sedikit uraian singkatnya, untuk lebih jelas kita langsung saja dengan Latihannya... :) 

Ditutorial berikut akan kita lanjutkan dengan tutorial bagaimana cara mengolah data-data titik yang telah dimport menjadi kontur , Topografi permukaan tanah, membuat Superelevasi, desain koridor dan menghitung Volume Cut and fill secara otomatis dari Data-data titik diatas.

Selamat berlatih.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Life Is a Journey Not a Destination

Life is a Journey, not a Destination : Taken One Level at a Time

 A journey begins with a small step and so as we take our small step of being born into this world, we begin our journey.  We initially have people who help us in this journey, our parents and other family members.  Some people have great people helping them and their journey seems to move easier for them.  While others are not so blessed and so their journey is not easy for them.

While not everyone will agree with me, but the destination for all of us is where will we spend eternity?  The journey throughout our life is in reality preparing us for our final destination.  Decisions made along the journey will determine our destination as well as determining how the rest of our journey in life plays out.
 While I don’t believe in Karma I do believe that choosing to make good decisions will determine how you are treated by others and this will make your journey easier.  Life is a beautiful gift given to us to enjoy for a short time.
 This is not to say life’s journey will be easy, quite the contrary we are tested and then tested again to see how we handle life’s obstacles.  Advancing along our journey requires that we correctly learn and grow from the obstacles we have in our life.  In order to do this, we must pass tests, and once we’ve passed the test then we move to the next level in life’s journey.  In this new level, we are given time to develop and learn and then when ready, we are tested for this level.  For example, one of my levels was to learn how to deal with difficult family relationships.  My teenage years were lonely and pretty awful and I failed miserably at many tests thrown my way during these years.  The testing continued even after I was married; however, I finally passed the test once I realized I was not to blame for my family situation.  I learned to forgive and let the resentment I had go, but I was well into adulthood before I passed this level’s test. Once I had successfully passed that level test, I moved to the next level:  developing a loving relationship with my spouse.
We are given more than one level at a time to deal with, in addition to dealing with my level about family relationships; I was also dealing with the following levels:  inability to conceive a child, marital issues, losing a good friend to cancer, and many other levels.  Over time, I passed these tests and grew in my journey to my destination.  I was able to conceive and now have a wonderful 22 yr. old son, my marital issues have resolved but I continue to work on this issue, I learned to value my friendship I had with my friend before she passed away from cancer, and I’ve learned a great deal about this journey we call life.  I’m not perfect and I am constantly being tested but I try to learn my lessons earlier now in the level process and move on to the next level, growing and appreciating more as I advance.  Our journey appears to be harder for me as an adult than it was for my parents; in addition, my son’s journey appears to be harder for him that it was for me at his age.  Maybe the time we have left to learn and pass our levels tests is getting shorter and we are required to pass the levels faster than in past generations.  Time may be running out and we need to grow in our journey faster so that we are ready for our final destination.

Source : Life Journey

Meaning of Friendship

The Meaning of Friendship

What does Friendship Mean?

What is friendship?What is the meaning of this relationship? We have often sought answers to these questions, yet we have never come up with an adequate answer. This is because this relationship is an amalgamation of beautiful and complex feelings, which may not often be described in words. Defining a relationship is never easy, as there are so many facets to it. However we don't need a bunch of words to make us realize the deep meaning of friendship.

According to George Elliot "Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words."
This heartwarming expression captures the essence of friendship. When two people share a strong bond of mutual understanding, respect and love it lays the foundation stone for an everlasting friendship. This bond just gets stronger with time; the trust between the two people grows and so does the attachment.
This is the beauty of the relationship and is the essential meaning of friendship. Being friends means being there for each other at all times, whether it's good or bad. A friend needs to be very understanding and give each other the benefit of the doubt. Ideally the meaning of friendship is sharing unconditional love for each other. However this is not an ideal world; therefore some form of expectations are allowed, but that has a limit too. The purpose and meaning of friendship is to make life's burdens lighter for our friends and not make them heavier. The Roman thinker Cicero said "Friendship makes prosperity brighter, while it lightens adversity by sharing its griefs and anxieties."
Searching for the meaning of friendship has always been a burning question. However as soon as we meet our friends all these questions get answered automatically. The answer to what is the meaning of friendship lies within our hearts, because true friendship can only be felt, and not expressed.

Something so pure and essential is not always visible to the eye, but is felt by the heart.

Source : dgreetings

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Basis for Happiness

Spirituality is The Basis for Happiness

When you do not need Anything, you have Everything.
In the present times of gloom and doom, when values are declining and morals are reclining and the celebrated values like honesty, integrity, nobility, morals, ethics, virtues, justice and righteousness are proving hollow giving way to corruption that has impoverished the whole societal set up, solace lies in spirituality.
Spirituality brings out the divinity in every individual. Spirituality is a love affair with God. It focuses a person’s attention to the divine effulgence radiating from one’s own heart. God is not something external, he is inside us. The mind is the key instrument in a human being’s body, a proper regulation of which, with meditation and spiritual guidance, can help one evolve spiritually to the highest.
Only spirituality can initiate the process of inner expansion and eventual freedom from finite existence and supreme self realization. True spirituality could be achieved through selfless service to humanity and leading a life of righteousness.
The core message of the Vedas is for man to strive for liberation from the perpetual cycle of birth and death. This is achieved when the living being realises its true self, the soul and re-establishes its forgotten relationship with Super-soul or God.

Manifest Infinity with Spirituality

When we liberate ourselves from the limitations of phenomenal existence and obtain oneness with the absolute, we attain infinite freedom, power, peace, joy and perfection. Transformation of our entire inner nature, of our thoughts, emotions, energies is a wonderful way of acquiring tremendous spiritual powers.

Problems & Set-backs Are Lessons from Life

Spiritually, all our problems and set-backs are merely lessons for us from life, acted out through people, events and places and leading our self evolution. There are no full stops in life, only commas. And sooner we learn our lessons, the faster our life moves forward in a more harmonious manner. Treat life not as an imposition but as a gift from God to be loved and to be cherished.  Move on the pathway of life with faith and courage, and the confidence that He is with you. Accept life with all its trials and tribulations. Acceptance of whatever is, will solve half of your problems.
Love, mercy, forgiveness, peace, compassion etc., are the essence of the Sattavic path. It is important to use them to attain the ultimate goal -salvation.

The fourfold principles of human existence are

  1. The body is for benevolent living,
  2. The mind for contemplating on God,
  3. Discriminative intellect for distinguishing between right and wrong and
  4. Life itself for acquisition of divine knowledge leading to self-realization.
Being spiritual minded is practical, as it helps a person develop a proper mental attitude towards the changing circumstances and problems of life. Through science deals with energy and matter, there is a spiritual science which deals with the ‘beyond mind’ state of a human being. While material science enhances ego, spiritual science annihilates it.
“Enjoy every moment of life and live it to the fullest. Live the ‘present moment’ with zest and not worry about the past or future.”
Peace of mind arises out of spiritual growth. It is true that spiritual growth is an inward process, that spiritual life is an inward life. But it is equally true that such inward growth is greatly aided by external support and greatly marred by external incompatibles. Hence, importance of Sattvic diet, Sattvic dress, Sattvic reading, Sattvic company, Sattvic habits and Sattvic environment.
We rise above darkness and sin to see the eternal light and realize the presence of the Most Enlightened one. Rise higher and see brighter light; a step still higher and realize omnipresent God who is the pristine source of Enlightenment.
As the new age dawns, materialism will automatically lag behind Spirituality and people will live the Vedanta in their daily lives.
“Faith in God, faith in religion and faith in one’s self make a man an enlightened being. Faith in holy scriptures helps a man rise above darkness and see the Light. Faith is a source of inspiration too. Many a time in life, one feels that one is down in the dumps. Morale sags. One sees and feels darkness all around. It is here that faith in God and the Vedas helps one see light at the end of the tunnel. Faith gives one a breather when it is needed most. Faith can even bring a man back from the fallows.”
Considering its importance, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in a striking contrast organized a Millennium All Faith Summit, which was attended by 1000 religious and spiritual leaders of the world to achieve the objective of coordinating the religious leadership for building tolerance, fostering peace and encouraging inter religious dialogue among all religions. This remarkable gathering was without precedent in its 50 years history of UNGA. Now, with nearly 83% of the world’s population adhering to some religious or spiritual belief system, religion and spirituality would be the dynamic force that the World Peace Summit wanted to seek to develop for peace, advocacy and resolution.
An individual or a nation must strive for material growth and scientific advances but material prosperity can lead to true happiness only if there is a base of spirituality. Secular spirituality helps one to progress in the worldly affairs and still helps one realize at the experiential level that material comforts, worldly pleasures, fame and power are fragile and ephemeral and they alone cannot give lasting happiness. Happiness is present in our life yet because we think that happiness comes from outside we constantly loose touch with it.
Social studies reveal that high spiritual and emotional quotient are normally associated with high degree of integrity, honesty, responsibility and care and concern for others and accounts for nearly 70% of over all rating.

Source : “Spirituality is the Basis for Happiness” is written by Dr. B. L. Tekriwal

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