Sunday, September 4, 2011

Life Is a Journey Not a Destination

Life is a Journey, not a Destination : Taken One Level at a Time

 A journey begins with a small step and so as we take our small step of being born into this world, we begin our journey.  We initially have people who help us in this journey, our parents and other family members.  Some people have great people helping them and their journey seems to move easier for them.  While others are not so blessed and so their journey is not easy for them.

While not everyone will agree with me, but the destination for all of us is where will we spend eternity?  The journey throughout our life is in reality preparing us for our final destination.  Decisions made along the journey will determine our destination as well as determining how the rest of our journey in life plays out.
 While I don’t believe in Karma I do believe that choosing to make good decisions will determine how you are treated by others and this will make your journey easier.  Life is a beautiful gift given to us to enjoy for a short time.
 This is not to say life’s journey will be easy, quite the contrary we are tested and then tested again to see how we handle life’s obstacles.  Advancing along our journey requires that we correctly learn and grow from the obstacles we have in our life.  In order to do this, we must pass tests, and once we’ve passed the test then we move to the next level in life’s journey.  In this new level, we are given time to develop and learn and then when ready, we are tested for this level.  For example, one of my levels was to learn how to deal with difficult family relationships.  My teenage years were lonely and pretty awful and I failed miserably at many tests thrown my way during these years.  The testing continued even after I was married; however, I finally passed the test once I realized I was not to blame for my family situation.  I learned to forgive and let the resentment I had go, but I was well into adulthood before I passed this level’s test. Once I had successfully passed that level test, I moved to the next level:  developing a loving relationship with my spouse.
We are given more than one level at a time to deal with, in addition to dealing with my level about family relationships; I was also dealing with the following levels:  inability to conceive a child, marital issues, losing a good friend to cancer, and many other levels.  Over time, I passed these tests and grew in my journey to my destination.  I was able to conceive and now have a wonderful 22 yr. old son, my marital issues have resolved but I continue to work on this issue, I learned to value my friendship I had with my friend before she passed away from cancer, and I’ve learned a great deal about this journey we call life.  I’m not perfect and I am constantly being tested but I try to learn my lessons earlier now in the level process and move on to the next level, growing and appreciating more as I advance.  Our journey appears to be harder for me as an adult than it was for my parents; in addition, my son’s journey appears to be harder for him that it was for me at his age.  Maybe the time we have left to learn and pass our levels tests is getting shorter and we are required to pass the levels faster than in past generations.  Time may be running out and we need to grow in our journey faster so that we are ready for our final destination.

Source : Life Journey

2 komentar:

Unknown said...

Gila..blognya keren....
Top dah...
BTW nih koq ga ada tautan untuk follow blog yaaa.?

Ben said...

Biasa saja kog Ade....
Anyway,, trima kasih atas masukannya. K sudah buad badge untuk follow dibagian atas postingan.... :-)

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